Wednesday 13 December 2006

Blog Party!

Just back from my former workplace's Christmas Party. A party it was, but Christmas, as usual, had very little to do with it. It is a tradition, but a more appropriate way of describing it would be 'the end of year piss-up!'. And so it was. It was also incredibly good fun. I saw alot of people for the first time in a long while. People I had been used to seeing day-in-day-out for nearly four years. It's funny how much you can miss a job you hated intensely. It was lovely to take a step back at one point in the evening, and watch everyone having fun on the dancefloor. No cares, no troubles, and no office-politics. Well none that I could detect, though if past-history is any guide, then they were bubbling-under. I was slightly apprehensive about attending beforehand, but I'm very pleased I went. It was the people that made Barclaycard in Crawley a great place to work. They're still a great bunch.

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